Sunday, February 25, 2007

Doing Good Deeds

I surely don't know much in this life, but I do know this: when you are depressed and self-absorbed, the best antidote is to go out and do something for someone else. I truly believe that the benefits of doing good deeds far outweighs the "inconvenience" of doing it. Take my brother, for instance. He is making hats for Humanitarian Services with acrylic yarn on the knitting loom. Not exactly a "manly" activity, but doing so is benefitting him immensely. It keeps his hands busy so he isn't snacking or smoking, and he gets satisfaction out of creating a piece of artwork that is also utilitarian and will bless somebody else's life.

Thursday night was a quilting activity at church. It had been announced two weeks prior, and I definitely didn't want to forget to go. Because of the injuries to my hands, I cannot quilt anymore (yet I can knit) but I can keep needles threaded, and I can come behind and snip the ties and make sure they all have knots in them. I had lost the piece of paper with the details on it, so I called the RS president to make sure of the venue and time. I dragged DD along, because she was in a rotten mood and she needed to do some service to feel better. We got there, and nobody else was there, except the lady in charge. It didn't look like anybody else was going to show up, so we dug in. She had already set up three quilts on frames, with a fourth ready to switch out. I threaded many needles, and she and DD sat down and began to quilt.
It's not an entirely *beautiful* quilt, but it is sturdy and will keep someone warm just the same. All part of the culture of thrift that abounds in this part of the country. Awhile later, two more ladies showed up. We got three quilts finished, and the fourth one started. But because this was a school night, I needed to get DD home so she could get to bed. I felt bad about not staying, but I felt good about doing the little that I had done. It's true that doing service makes you feel better!

And while we're on the subject, I finished Mimi's socks. She is a tie-dye artist, so I wanted to find yarn that looked like it had been tie-dyed. I'm not entirely sure I succeeded, but this is what I found:
She did say that her feet were so cold that she would wear anything I made, but I did make an attempt to find yarn that I thought matched her personality. It reminds me a bit of a desert sunrise or sunset and since she is thinking of possibly moving from Rhode Island to Arizona, maybe this well help her decide! Look at how matchy-matchy they turned out! I couldn't do *that* again if I tried.
And next is an example of how I received someone else's good deed:
A reader (I'll identify her if she says I can) emailed me and asked if I wanted some sock yarn that she had bought but didn't like the colourways of. I said I wanted to pay her for it, but she insisted it should be a gift. I am not one to deny someone else a blessing, so I gratefully accepted. This week the package came and it was three skeins of Socks That Rock, a skein of Cherry Tree Hill, and a skein of Ruby Sapphire handpainted by Lauri! Can you see how beautiful these yarns are? Oh my heavens I am utterly gobsmacked! Since I like to use 75%/25% wool/nylon for socks, I wound up the Ruby Sapphire right away. The others are going to be used for Moebius scarves/shawls.
A friend gave me this yarn, she hand-dyed it but didn't like how it turned out. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but Monday Cat Bordhi was on Knitty Gritty and luckily I TiVo'd it. I went straight out and got the recommended needle, and cast it on Tuesday. I finished it up Thursday and wore it to Spinners' Night on Friday. I love it! It is not only my first Moebius, but it is also my first lace and although I know there are mistakes in it, I still love it and I am going to make more of them. I blocked this one a bit too vigourously, so I do need to re-block it.

Still experimenting with the dosage on my Celexa. Alternating 10 mg with 20 mg and taking it a couple of hours before bedtime instead of in the mornings.

Friday, February 16, 2007

I Survived

I'm sure you're all wondering how last weekend went. Well, it was passable. I begged a good friend to come with me, and we had a much nicer time than I thought was going to happen. I got the afore-mentioned hug when I came in the door, and then I was ignored the remainder of the evening. Works for me! I got lots of snuggles from my favorite nephew. Poor little guy, he broke his arm a couple of months ago, and then he had a tooth abcess that had wrapped itself completely around his eye socket. He had been hospitalized for a few days but handled it with aplomb. He had all those nurses wrapped right around his little finger. He is such an adoring and adorable child, I wish he were mine!

I've been on the Celexa about 10 days now. I'm still doing just 10 mg, and trying to resist taking afternoon naps. Some days I win, some days I give in gracefully! I am noticing my attitude and emotions are much more positive, and if I can just get a handle on the sleepiness, I think this will do well for me.

So here are some finished dishcloths, made from scrap yarn. What do you think? Yes, I can make dishcloths all one color, and I do! But I hate to waste anything so I make these with the scraps. I think they are actually much prettier, much more artistic, and not to mention thrifty. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." I hate to do without, so I scrimp in some areas so I can splurge in other areas. What about you? What do you do to get what you want?

And here are the sister-in-law socks. The toes match nearly perfectly but you know I don't freak about about matchy-matchy socks. Back to the not-wasting-anything thing. If I pull off too much yarn on my cast-on, I frog the cast-on and do it again so that I waste less yarn! ::shrug:: It's a Tola thing.

If you take a look at the Daily Addictions list over yonder, you may have noticed I added some more links. I'm so bad at updating that, but I try to do it at least every few weeks. If you've commented and I haven't added your link, it's not because I don't like you!!

I added Bella Pink Cafe for two reasons: First, pink is my very most favouritest colour in the whole entire world. And second, I have someone very dear to me who calls me Bella. It's a play on the name my parents gave me (no I'm not going to tell you what it is).

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Nana found my missing dishcloth that was half-done. She will save it for when we are there next. One less thing for me to wonder about! I really could not figure out what had happened to it.

My doctor has put me on Celexa. 10 mg/daily for the first week, 20 mg after that. She wants to see me in a month. I took it this morning; so far i am really loopy and tired. I don't think I should have come to work! But my mood seems to be fine, im not melancholy or pissed-off. I came home last night and slept for almost 3 hours, woke up at 9pm. I was up for a couple of hours and then went back to bed and slept fine. But I sure could go back to bed right now! I hope this fades. I will try taking it tomorrow with food, instead of on an empty stomach. It might have an effect.

Still working on Mimi's socks. The first one is done, but I poked a big hole in my finger with those size 1 needles, so I've been not working exclusively on the second sock. I made a dishcloth on Monday. Not really bright colors, but still pretty. KnittyOtter said she liked my photo of my box full of dishcloths. When we get another bright day I'd like to spread them all out and take a group shot, because they have a lot of impact that way I think.

I've also been trying to finish up some WIPs. I have some wristwarmers that I started before Thanksgiving that I want to get out of my stash. I also have a Paris Loop poncho that just needs about 8 more inches of purling to finish it. It's really heavy novelty yarn, and I am really not sure if I am going to like the whole thing. Maybe I'll put a lifeline on it and actually try it on and see. I hate having wasted all that time working on it, but if I'm not going to finish it then I may as well frog it and use the yarn for something else. It's pretty yarn, bright magenta. I love my other two Paris Loops that I've made.

On to family news now:
My baby brother has gotten a job back east. I guess it's in New Jersey. I don't know exactly what it is or the firm it is with, but I know he is happy to be going back there. He served his mission there 1999-2001 in Connecticut and he really enjoyed it. He leaves next Monday, so there is a farewell/open house being held at my mother's other daughter's house in Layton. I am waffling over whether or not I want to go. I want to see my folks, and my brother, and my favourite nephew. But everyone else: not so much. It's this Sunday, so I have a few more days to decide. I am probably going, but maybe I'll take my own food. I don't want to eat anything she has made. Yes, I am probably being petty. But she really acted horribly towards me and she isn't sorry. She told my mother she'd "give me a hug" if I showed up. Well I don't want a hug. I want an apology. A real one, not a fakey-fake one.

My other brother (not named Daryl) has been using the knitting loom and making hats for the Humanitarian Services. I've been trying to supply him with all manner of acrylic yarn (his favorite) but he done wiped me out! I asked our RS president last week if there was a bag of yarn in the cupboard that he could have, as he is making hats for Humanitarian. She gave me a whole big bag, and he came and got it and was very happy with the selection. Calling all de-stashers: if you have some unused acrylic yarn marinating in your stash, I'll supply you with an address to send it to. Or if you live between Preston and Ogden, I'll come pick it up. If you live between Malad and Rexburg, I'll pick it up the next time I go to see my folks. Thanks!

And I also would like to thank Kim for the beautiful little care package I received a couple of days ago. She sent me a lovely card, with an ATC tucked inside, as well as two lovely Kirks Folly pieces. Just knowing she was thinking about me made me feel so warm and fuzzy. Thank you Kim!

My ex-pat Brit friend found this on The Beeb website.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Six Months Today

I still really miss you.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


My doctor called on Friday. My PAP was normal, my cholesterol is 167, no infections, no STDs (wasn't worried about that one, actually) and the ultrasound didn't show anything cyst-like. What now? She thinks the pain is actually from IBS. I've had stomach problems all my life, so I'm not entirely surprised. But her recommendation did surprise me. Instead of treating the IBS, she wants to treat my anxiety/depression. New research apparently is linking the two. Guess I'll do it, there seems to be no reason not to.

So I switched to the new Blogger. It didn't give me a choice, actually. I went to write this post and it insisted I switch. So far it has not let me add photos to any exisiting post, so we shall see if it will let me put them in here.

Well what do you know! Actually, the photos are now out-dated, so I'll explain them. If you clickety-biggety, they look much nicer. Top left is a box full of cotton dishcloths. These are all made out of scrap yarn, as seen on the top right. The one shown there as almost complete is now complete. the other has disappeared. The last time I saw it was at Nana's house last weekend. She hasn't seen it, but I do hope it shows up. And to the left is the socks made with yarn given to me at Christmas by my sister-in-law. The second one is completed, and I wear them. As usual, I have enough yarn left over to make a third sock. I will count the yardage and wind it up and save it to make Frankensocks. I still want to make knee-high socks, so I will be experimenting with that soon. Mimi begged me for socks, so I found some interesting yarn for hers. She is a tie-dye artist, so I wanted something that would reflect that. I think I found it, but we shall know for sure when she gets them. The first one is done, the second is as far as the ribbing. When they are done and received, I'll post the photo.
Almost time for choir practice. I love to sing . . . . . . . .

Bears lost. *sniff*
~Another ETA~
I hope they fix the bugs in this new Blogger version soon. The link to my photo is broken, and I cannot sign in on my home computer to try to fix it. Mleah.