Tuesday, November 13, 2007


You signed up on October 28, 2007
You are #49865 on the list.
3945 people are ahead of you in line.
6886 people are behind you in line.
79% of the list has been invited so far


Lynn said...

Holy cow! I figured you joined way, waaaay ahead of me. But then, you have a fiance, and I do not, LOL.

I'm still taking it nice and easy at Ravelry. I log on once or twice a week, connect my blog posts to my WIP's, and add another half dozen projects to my queue.

I figure that I'll add my stash yarns to Ravelry either by knitting them into projects or by waiting until LittleBit graduates from high school.

Are they still adding 100+ Ravelers a day, or have they kicked up a notch?

Marianne said...

wow... isn't that amazing?
I haven't even signed up for it... yet...

It's getting so close to when 'you do' :^)