Friday, December 07, 2007


My jaw is still sore, but the pain is much less.

The counter is down to 14 days, and I am beginning to Freak Out! Several wonderful people have come over for an hour or two and we have gotten quite a bit done. Tonight my plan is to clean out the pantry, and take all the canned goods to the concert on Sunday at the Tabernacle. If you're in my area, please come to this concert. Craig Jessop is directing our choir on two pieces. Since this is the closest I will ever get to singing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, I am very excited.

Only one more week of work, and I'm taking Monday off to go play with my friend in Ogden. Tuesday night is a hen party with some more friends, and Thursday is our gift exchange at the LYS.

I am currently having severe knitter's ADD. I need some Knitalin I think. I have only one FO, and I actually already wrapped it up without photographing it. I am just 10 rows and the toe away from finishing PB's socks, so those should be done tonight. They have been so incredibly boring, so it has taken me over a month to knit them. I've taken many breaks to knit on more interesting projects, but as a consequence, I've finished nothing. Okay not totally true. I finished a Monstersocken yesterday. Now *those* are interesting to knit. Not boring at all.

I've still got space on my calendar for packing/cleaning help.

1 comment:

shauna said...

How was the concert? Wish we lived closer (and after the 21st we'll live even farther away).

Your mother DID call tonight and what a generous gift! I'm still a little stunned at how God answers those prayers you're a tad embarrassed to even utter. In fact, while in the newly cleaned (and practically empty) playroom Leah said, "All we need is a TV now." I told her that wasn't true--it would be a great playroom even without a TV, but who am I kidding? Now the chances that mommy won't go crazy just went up.