Sunday, February 25, 2007

Doing Good Deeds

I surely don't know much in this life, but I do know this: when you are depressed and self-absorbed, the best antidote is to go out and do something for someone else. I truly believe that the benefits of doing good deeds far outweighs the "inconvenience" of doing it. Take my brother, for instance. He is making hats for Humanitarian Services with acrylic yarn on the knitting loom. Not exactly a "manly" activity, but doing so is benefitting him immensely. It keeps his hands busy so he isn't snacking or smoking, and he gets satisfaction out of creating a piece of artwork that is also utilitarian and will bless somebody else's life.

Thursday night was a quilting activity at church. It had been announced two weeks prior, and I definitely didn't want to forget to go. Because of the injuries to my hands, I cannot quilt anymore (yet I can knit) but I can keep needles threaded, and I can come behind and snip the ties and make sure they all have knots in them. I had lost the piece of paper with the details on it, so I called the RS president to make sure of the venue and time. I dragged DD along, because she was in a rotten mood and she needed to do some service to feel better. We got there, and nobody else was there, except the lady in charge. It didn't look like anybody else was going to show up, so we dug in. She had already set up three quilts on frames, with a fourth ready to switch out. I threaded many needles, and she and DD sat down and began to quilt.
It's not an entirely *beautiful* quilt, but it is sturdy and will keep someone warm just the same. All part of the culture of thrift that abounds in this part of the country. Awhile later, two more ladies showed up. We got three quilts finished, and the fourth one started. But because this was a school night, I needed to get DD home so she could get to bed. I felt bad about not staying, but I felt good about doing the little that I had done. It's true that doing service makes you feel better!

And while we're on the subject, I finished Mimi's socks. She is a tie-dye artist, so I wanted to find yarn that looked like it had been tie-dyed. I'm not entirely sure I succeeded, but this is what I found:
She did say that her feet were so cold that she would wear anything I made, but I did make an attempt to find yarn that I thought matched her personality. It reminds me a bit of a desert sunrise or sunset and since she is thinking of possibly moving from Rhode Island to Arizona, maybe this well help her decide! Look at how matchy-matchy they turned out! I couldn't do *that* again if I tried.
And next is an example of how I received someone else's good deed:
A reader (I'll identify her if she says I can) emailed me and asked if I wanted some sock yarn that she had bought but didn't like the colourways of. I said I wanted to pay her for it, but she insisted it should be a gift. I am not one to deny someone else a blessing, so I gratefully accepted. This week the package came and it was three skeins of Socks That Rock, a skein of Cherry Tree Hill, and a skein of Ruby Sapphire handpainted by Lauri! Can you see how beautiful these yarns are? Oh my heavens I am utterly gobsmacked! Since I like to use 75%/25% wool/nylon for socks, I wound up the Ruby Sapphire right away. The others are going to be used for Moebius scarves/shawls.
A friend gave me this yarn, she hand-dyed it but didn't like how it turned out. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but Monday Cat Bordhi was on Knitty Gritty and luckily I TiVo'd it. I went straight out and got the recommended needle, and cast it on Tuesday. I finished it up Thursday and wore it to Spinners' Night on Friday. I love it! It is not only my first Moebius, but it is also my first lace and although I know there are mistakes in it, I still love it and I am going to make more of them. I blocked this one a bit too vigourously, so I do need to re-block it.

Still experimenting with the dosage on my Celexa. Alternating 10 mg with 20 mg and taking it a couple of hours before bedtime instead of in the mornings.


Cambria said...

Thanks for the link to Kirsten! I really missed her. And it's nice to see other LDS knitters on the web. Looking forward to reading your exploits too! :)

ButtercupElffly said...

Its a beautiful quilt alright... Because it was made from the goodness of your hearts.

Sparkling Bee

Georgina at Doggeanie said...

Its lovely to be able to reply again, I've got my blog back. I love those new yarns that you have; I've been wondering what a Moebius is though...

Kim said...

I am so in love with those sock yarns!!! I just can't believe anyone would want to part with their STR! They are more yummy in person too! :D